Equatorial Guinea
Beneficiary of:
 ProviderNameTypeSub-schemesInitial Entry Into ForceEnd Date   
Armenia Generalized System of Preferences - Armenia GSP110-Oct-2016 96247051
Australia Generalized System of Preferences - Australia GSP101-Jan-1974 69223036
European Union Generalized System of Preferences - European Union GSP201-Jul-1971 36224899
Iceland Generalized System of Preferences - Iceland GSP029-Jan-2002 53189352
Japan Generalized System of Preferences - Japan GSP101-Aug-197131-Mar-203163327392
Kazakhstan Generalized System of Preferences - Kazakhstan GSP110-Oct-2016 87302398
Kyrgyz Republic Generalized System of Preferences - Kyrgyz Republic (As of 10.10.2016) GSP110-Oct-2016 100299417
New Zealand Generalized System of Preferences - New Zealand GSP101-Jan-1972 66243554
Norway Generalized System of Preferences - Norway GSP101-Oct-1971 43319578
Russian Federation Generalized System of Preferences - Russian Federation (01.01.2010 to 10.10.2016) GSP101-Jan-201010-Oct-201683207643
Russian Federation Generalized System of Preferences - Russian Federation (As of 10.10.2016) GSP110-Oct-2016 98264643
Switzerland Generalized System of Preferences - Switzerland GSP101-Mar-1972 64235756
Türkiye Generalized System of Preferences - Turkey GSP201-Jan-2002 73294792
Morocco Duty-free treatment for African LDCs - Morocco LDC-specific001-Jan-2001 46240504
Chile Duty-free treatment for LDCs – Chile LDC-specific028-Feb-2014 84238152
Kyrgyz Republic Duty-free treatment for LDCs - Kyrgyz Republic (29.03.2006 to 10.10.2016) LDC-specific029-Mar-200610-Oct-201672298417
Montenegro Duty-free treatment for LDCs – Montenegro LDC-specific020-Jan-2016 97278893
Tajikistan Duty-free treatment for LDCs – Tajikistan LDC-specific025-Oct-2003 86295762
See also Regional Trade Agreements (RTAs)